Advanced Waste Water Treatment Corp. treats water and wastewater from a variety of sources. As such, AWWT services a wide range of industries. Some of the industries we serve include:
Drilling/Hydraulic Fracturing
AWWT uses patented technology to effectively treat wastewater created as a result of drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) operations. We customize systems with or without clarifiers that are designed for use with existing clarifiers, settling ponds, centrifuges, filter presses or in-situ pit treatment, and oil spills.
Our Electrocoagulation (EC) Flocculation Systems and TransPit Presentation systems are specifically designed to treat and remove most suspended solids, metals, and contaminants from water located in mine tailings ponds, sludge lagoons, tank bottoms, gravel pits, and much more.
EC will treat the wastewater and remove almost all of the contaminants from the wastewater stream used in drilling and hydraulic fracturing operations. Additionally, EC allows the water to be recycled and reused in another operation. AWWT has had great success in recycling, reusing and reclaiming wastewater derived from various sources. To find out more about how AWWT cleans and recycles water, take a look our
Water Recycling page.
Advantages of AWWT systems that can reuse the drilling fluid:
- Largest individual plant can process 500 gallons per minute.
- Conserves water in daily operations.
- Protects the environment.
- No need for wastewater discharge.
- No need for discharge permit.
- Reduces or eliminates testing or monitoring of wastewater.
- No contingent liability in the event of a spill.
- Eliminates public treatment of domestic water for an industrial use.
- Treated water cleans better than tap water.
- Process removes hardness and minerals.
- Eliminates risk of fines or jail.
- Positive public relations value of being environmentally responsible.
- No chemicals or filters to buy and replace in most cases.
- No MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) or hazard training.
Municipal and Domestic
AWWT serves both municipal and domestic water treatment facilities, generally owned and operated by large and small municipalities and other private entities where drinking water is supplied to customers in a specific area.
Our advanced systems treat municipal water derived from surface and well sources. Each water source has its own issues with contaminants that need to be removed prior to use and consumption by the general public. Surface water is likely to contain suspended contaminants and impurities coming from runoff water. Well water tends to have more mineral contaminants and hardness. Each is subject to the influent water’s paths of delivery.
Secondary sources of domestic water include desalinization, which is primarily used in arid areas near the oceans where water is scarce. An additional secondary source is what is known as reused or reclaimed water. Although limited, reused or reclaimed water becomes necessary as populations grow and water supplies dwindle.
High-volume electrocoagulation systems treat the water and remove almost all of the contaminants from the water stream; this allows the water to be treated in a conventional water plant design at a much higher rate, with little or no expansion expense, and at or above the required water quality standard. Many times, this process results in higher flows of compliant water for a municipality.
Here are some of the advantages of AWWT systems:
- Protects the environment.
- Reduces or eliminates testing or monitoring of water.
- Has no contingent liability in the event of a spill.
- Eliminates risk of fines or jail.
- Positive public relations value of being environmentally responsible.
- Reduces or eliminates chemicals or filters to buy and replace.
- Does not require MSDS (material safety data sheets) or hazard training.
- Significantly reduces bacteria concentrations.
- Eliminates odors from material degrading in the sump.
- Eliminates the bacteria breeding ground from collected discharge.
- Reduces handling and transportation costs.
- Solidifies dissolved metals leaving a more stable sludge.
- Makes sludge hydrophobic for easier and faster dewatering or composting.
- Meets increasingly stringent water quality standards.
Water exposed to radioactive materials is hazardous to humans and the environment. Since the discovery of nuclear energy, extensive research has been performed to determine the most effective way to treat radioactive wastewater.
Common Sources of Radiation Pollution:
While there are many causes of radiation pollution, the most common ones that pose moderate to serious health risks include the following:
- Nuclear explosions and detonations of nuclear weapons.
- Defense weapon production.
- Nuclear waste handling and disposal.
- Naturally occurring radiation.
- Mining.
- Nuclear accidents.
Predominant Forms of Radionuclides Treated:
While a majority of radioactive wastewater is created through man-made endeavors, there exists naturally occurring materials that emit radiation. Certain rock types naturally contain radioactive elements referred to as naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). When a water source intended for human consumption comes in contact with NORM-bearing rocks, radionuclides may accumulate in the water to levels of concern. The predominant radionuclides found in radiation exposed water include:
- radium (and its decay products).
- thorium (and its decay products).
- uranium (and its decay products).
Natural disasters and accidents can leave large quantities of radioactive wastewater (both naturally occurring and from the nuclear industry) exposed to the elements while it waits for a treatment solution. AWWT’s EC technology can be used to treat this form of wastewater. A wide range of radioactive elements that form insoluble precipitates can be treated with the use of our electrocoagulation system.
Pulp and Paper
Water quality management is essential for the pulp and paper industry. This includes incoming raw water treatment, water circulation management inside the manufacturing process, and discharge water purification, among other things. With water being one of the most important raw materials in pulp and paper production, clean water is essential for the production of high-quality products. AWWT has successfully treated wastewater created by the pulp and paper industry by utilizing methods such as electrocoagulation.
Some of the beneficial features our mobile water treatment units provide in this regard are as follows:
- Compact, affordable, single batch treatment unit designed for the limited water user.
- Low maintenance and limited operation time.
- Reuse or discharge previously contaminated water on-site.
- Designed to be used without chemicals, unless necessary.
- No specialized equipment required.
- Skid mounted.
Animal and Dairy
AWWT’s EC system removes dirt and debris and destroys germs and bacteria, creating a cleaner, more sanitary environment for animal facilities, from aquaculture to farms.
Some of the benefits of utilizing electrocoagulation treatment technology for animal facilities include:
- Removes suspended and dissolved solids from wash water streams, enabling discharge or reuse.
- Frees oils, emulsified oils, fats, and grease that are separated from the water, preventing clogging and labor-intensive cleanup.
- Disintegrates cysts, microbes, and bacteria, creating a more hygienic water stream and reducing odors.
- Produces a cleaner, healthier stream of water for animal consumption.
- Reduces the risk of spreading water-borne diseases.
AWWT’s technology treats wastewater created by commercial laundry facilities. The patented system uses an electric current to remove suspended and dissolved solids. No chemicals are used; therefore, no dissolved solids are introduced to the stream. Heat is retained during treatment, improving energy efficiency and heat savings. Another benefit to this type of treatment is reduced sewage costs because the treated water is being reused. Further, there is zero discharge, thus eliminating EPA and POTW restrictions.
Cooling Towers
Cooling towers create a number of contaminants, which not only contaminate water but can also affect the life and performance of the components of the process. AWWT’s batch treatment system reduces or removes a good number of metals, dissolved solids, bacteria, and many other contaminants from water produced by cooling towers.
Wash Pad/Truck Wash
AWWT’s EC system is ideal for removing water contaminants from wash pads and truck washes. By way of an electric current, the system can remove such things as BOD, COD, bacteria, oil and grease, suspended solids, total petroleum hydrocarbons, and metals.
Some of the beneficial features our mobile water treatment units provide in this regard are as follows:
- Compact, affordable, single batch treatment unit designed for the limited water user.
- Low maintenance and limited operation time.
- Reuse or discharge previously contaminated water on-site.
- Designed to be used without chemicals, unless necessary.
- No specialized equipment required.
- Skid mounted.
For more information regarding the industries we serve, call us
at (631) 213-1324 and speak with a representative today.
The Clear H2O Method
AWWT conducts preliminary assessments of your systems, facility, and processes to determine productive methods for wastewater removal, management, and treatment.
Through a patented technology, AWWT will implement the most effective treatments based on our investigatory findings and your wastewater management needs.
Collectively we will achieve and maintain “green and clean” solutions through protection and management planning of your future wastewater treatment methods.
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